Welcome to New England Review!

Subscribe to our award-winning literary magazine and read the best in contemporary fiction, nonfiction, and poetry four times a year. 

Choose from the selections below. Gift and international options available.

If you prefer to order by phone, please call the Middlebury College Store at 802-443-5334.

Thank you!


Our award-winning literary journal publishes the best of contemporary fiction, nonfiction, and poetry from emerging and established writers four times a year. Just $38 for one year, $72 for two.

A one-year subscription to our award-winning print journal to read at your leisure, and our e-book to read on the go. You'll never be without the best of contemporary fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.

One year print + digital just $44. Two years $84.

Thank you for your subscription!

Our digital editions replicate our quarterly print editions, and work with every device. 

Take our award-winning journal with you, and read the best in contemporary fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.

One year e-book subscriptions just $33; two years $66; $12 single issue.

Subscribers: the balance of your subscription will arrive in your e-mail upon publication each quarter. 

Please note that there is a brief period when the print issue is available before the ebook. We will send the ebook of whichever issue is posted as "current" issue as soon as it's available, even if you have automatically received the previous issue.

Thank you for your order!


Single copies of the current print issue are available here for $14.


Single back issues are $12. Please make sure to let us know which issue you would like. 

PLEASE NOTE: We are sold out of the print issue of NER 39.2. The e-book remains available.


To purchase multiple copies of any issue, please e-mail us at nereview@middlebury.edu. 

Thank you for renewing! Please select from the print and digital options listed below, starting at $33 a year.

Welcome to New England Review

Teach NER in class:

  • Complimentary desk copy (when you submit this form)
  • Educational pricing of only $8 per copy
  • Educational pricing of only $25 per subscription for participating students
  • Videoconference with an editor 

Students may order their issues at: https://newenglandreviewsubscriptions.submittable.com/submit/9c01a123-03b1-4ac4-aa64-b1c30504f88f/student-order-form

Have a particular theme or genre you'd like to teach? Do you want to set up a video session with an editor? Contact us at nereview@middlebury.edu or call our offices—we're here to help. We appreciate being part of your program.

New England Review

